March 30, 2011

To Sleep...

Sometimes I just don't want to sleep. Do you ever feel that way? Sometimes its a battle just to get my mind to quiet down and shut off enough to sleep. I get in bed, set my alarm, make sure everything is just right, and then turn off the light. And I lie there. I start thinking about the day or about the countless other things on my mind. I turn over. I try to tell myself to stop thinking so much. I turn over again. Shift the blanket. My thoughts aren't anxious thoughts, usually. They are just thoughts. If its clear that they won't stop streaming I'll give way to it and think and think until somehow I fall asleep. Sometimes my thinking turns into praying...but in an unusual way. I think about a place I'd like to be (at the bottom of a mountain, an ocean, a forest) and then I picture God there with me (you know, that fuzzy picture that your mind tries to produce when you don't have an exact visual) walking and talking. Those are my favorite ways to fall asleep...I think tonight I'd like to be on a lake...

[photo via Weheartit]

1 comment:

  1. The tossing and turning is pretty much every night for me. I've resorted to taking a Tylenol PM an hour before bed... not the most healthy thing ever, but it gets the job done. :)


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