August 30, 2011

Into Fall

The past few days have been a tease for fall. Its cool at night and in the early morning and gloriously sunny in the afternoon with no humidity. Perfect.

Except...I just can't seem to say goodbye to summer yet. I'm not ready to go back to boots and sweaters and jackets. I'm not ready to turn the heat on in my car or watch the leaves change and fall. Summer used to be my least favorite season but now I long for summer all year round...or at least most of the year, we can skip winter, that would be fine.

I love sleeping with the windows open, listening to the crickets outside, running barefoot through the grass, cookouts and days by the ocean.

I've been listening to Joni Mitchell recently. There's something about her that perfectly fits this time of year. I used to listen to her a lot once school would start up and so her music will always make me think of letting go of summer and welcoming fall.


  1. I cannot wait for fall! And I need a polaroid camera, right now. Ugh

  2. I am absolutely ready for the autumn! I love the cool weather and changing leaves!
    Great pics!


  3. Chandler, this will be your new best friend:
    Take any digital photo you have, drop it into the app and voila, you have yourself a polaroid. Granted, its not quite the real deal, but with the expense of real polaroid film, it works for me :)


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