November 9, 2011

Lemon Ginger

Fresh-out-of-the-oven pumpkin bread, lemon ginger tea, and a lesson plan on Romare Bearden. The vase for the flowers is one of the vintage items I snagged from an antique store in Lancaster. And if you look closely in the bottom photo you can see my current project...a large chalkboard. I think chalkboard paint may be my new obsession...along with lemon ginger tea.


  1. That vase is really beautiful. What a find! How exciting to be making a chalkboard. I've always wondered how it would be to make one.

  2. You should try it! I just picked up some old deli sandwich boards from a place that sells recycled construction/home depot-type pieces for 2 bucks and just painted on a few layers of chalkboard paint and re-painted the border. Super simple.

  3. lemon ginger tea sounds amazing! :)


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